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Caring for the environment

Activities for the environment

At the core of Brahma Kumaris’ work is the understanding of the connection between our consciousness, thoughts and actions, and their impact on the world. It has been seen that long-lasting change in any social or environmental system starts with a profound shift in the minds and hearts of people. The current environmental crisis is therefore a clear call to transform our awareness and lifestyle. Try some small, simple steps to make a big difference


Participation in UN Conferences

Since 2009 the Brahma Kumaris have been participating in UN conferences on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Biodiversity (CBD) and UN Environment Program (UNEA). Our umbrella theme is “Consciousness and Climate Change: The Confluence of Two Living Systems”.  We focus on lifestyle change supported by meditation,  grounded in ethics, and we promote the use of renewable energy. We arrange exhibitions and side events in collaborate with other organisations, including interfaith and youth movements.

Faith-based organisations (FBOs) have a growing presence and impact at the Climate Change Conferences and in other areas of climate responses. The Papal Encyclical has triggered a major shift in discourse and catalysed a wide range of actors to insist on the moral and ethical considerations of the climate crisis.

Aktivitäten im Umweltbereich

Renewable Energy for the Future

For almost 25 years, Brahma Kumaris and its sister organisation, the World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST), a recognised scientific and industrial research organisation in India, have been conducting training, research and development in renewable energy technologies.


Sustainable Yogic Agriculture

Can the power of thought be a new fertiliser that leads to better food security? Sustainable Yogic Agriculture is a research project carried out by the Rural Development Wing of the Brahma Kumaris. One thousand farmers throughout India are combining organic farming with meditation, which is showing remarkable results. Early data collected through a field study in Gujarat suggest an improved seed quality and increase in crop yield. Sustainable Yogic Agriculture has resulted in lower costs to farmers and reduced the pressure on the environment. Other benefits have been improvements in farmers’ emotional well-being and enhanced community resilience.


A Different Consciousness - new thinking to create new realities

“Our inner climate impacts the outer climate.”

We are living in times where humanity is in desperate search for answers – answers to crises experienced in every area of life. Be it social, economic, political, or environmental, we continue to search everywhere; yet the one place we can easily overlook is inside ourselves.

Many of us are beginning to see that external commitments without internal experience and conviction cannot succeed. All real changes – whether big changes in the world or small changes in my life – occur as a sequence of subtle shifts, beginning with a change in awareness. A change in awareness initiates a change of attitude. Our attitude colours our vision. When we see the world in a new way, we can no longer act in the same way as before. New actions generate a new world.

Meditations for living in harmony with nature

As a spiritual organisation our main aim is to help people to experience greater well-being through inner peace and universal values. Hence our environmental initiative is based on five main principles:

Living with simplicity

Buying Compassionately

Using economically

Learning continuously

Sharing generously

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