Come by
Raja Yoga Meditation School
in Munich
Dear friends, dear interested people,
Welcome to the website of our Munich Raja Yoga and Meditation Centre.
Since 1980 there has been a continuous meditation school of the Brahma Kumaris in Munich at changing locations. We rented the present branch on 1.1.1995 and since then have been offering a varied programme to the public there on a voluntary basis. Although hardly any events have been possible in recent years due to corona regulations, we have managed to maintain the branch thanks to the generous support of friends. Unfortunately, our active team has been reduced in recent years due to moving away, illness and age. Therefore, we are currently not in a position to offer a programme of the usual scope. However, despite the circumstances, we strive to keep our oasis of peace and inspiration in the middle of the hectic city available for all interested fellow citizens. Our concept is to offer everyone an open space without conditions, prerequisites or quid pro quo. Everyone is invited to find peace and strength in the palpably quiet atmosphere, to be inspired to new ideas, insights or changes, or to actively contribute, participate and help shape things themselves.
You are welcome to contact us with questions and concerns by phone or by email (via the contact form).
With loving greetings
The team of the Brahma Kumaris Munich
All events and activities are offered free of charge and on a voluntary basis. Whoever would like to support our work – which in these times also includes the maintenance of our branch in Schleißheimer Straße – can make a contribution to the following account:
Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga e.V., Postbank Berlin, IBAN: DE47 1001 0010 0005 8811 07
Our school is recognised as a non-profit association and can therefore issue donation receipts on request.